Wednesday, November 19, 2008

4 In-a-Row

The month of November is going by fast. Next week is a short week and the students get out for the Thanksgiving holiday at 12:00 on Tuesday. I can't believe we are so close to holiday season!

We will be very busy over the next month learning many math games to help us with our addition and subtraction facts, writing stories and publishing them as authors, and learning many Christmas songs and poems. I plan on videoing the students playing math games, reading their stories to the class and performing the Christmas songs and poems. Continue to check out our blog so that you can keep up with all the learning and fun activities going on in our room!

In math, our class has moved on to subtraction. The students are learning about comparing numbers to find the difference and about words that tell us to subtract (ie. how many many more than, how many are left, how many are not). Students are learning that subtracting is the opposite of addition--start with the whole and take away part and the other part is left.

In the video, Diago and Kenzie play 4 In-a-Row. Watch out Kenzie! Diago knows how to block!


Sally said...

This was a very interesting math game for your students and they seemed to have a lot of fun. You come up with some of the most interesting things to do in your room. Wish I was in 1st grade again.

jnewby said...

Jared loved watching the math game on the computer at home. Nice block Diego! Keep learning your math facts:)