Monday, November 10, 2008

Last week went by quickly. Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with me. I enjoyed getting to talk to my students' parents. I know that you are all enjoying getting to see video of your children on our classroom blog. I want to thank PTA for purchasing the flip video camera to make watching your children in learning activities possible.

I encourage anyone that is reading the blog to make comments on what the students are learning, even if it is a "I really like..." We try to view the blog in the classroom every few weeks and it is exciting for the students to get to see if anyone is commenting. Also, please, please "follow this blog." This allows me and my students to see who is watching us. The more there are the more excited we get!

We have been busy learning about pilgrim boys and girls for Thanksgiving. We have been comparing and contrasting how two pilgrim children, Samuel and Sara Eaton live compared to the way the students in our class live today. We have been listing similarities and differences for clothing, housing, chores, and food and putting the ideas into a Venn Diagram. We are finding that there are many differences. However, as strangely as it may seem, there are some similarities!

This Friday, we will be making an art project that uses a soup can. Please send a soup can (or two) to school that has been emptied, washed and cleaned by Friday.

I hope everyone has a great week and don't forget the PTA meeting this Tuesday at 7:00pm!

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